Joyful Connections was founded in 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic, by Amanda Mintzer, currently a sophomore at University of North Carolina’s Kenan Flagler’s Business School in Chapel Hill.

Amanda’s grandmother has had dementia for over a decade. The pandemic proved extremely challenging for the Mintzer family; for years they were unable to see a family member. This loss of connection made Amanda think about all of the other individuals living with memory ailments who are facing isolation and loneliness.

This thought is what brought Joyful Connections to life. 

Starting in her sophomore year of high school, Amanda gathered teens from the surrounding LA area to begin Zoom sessions with various memory care facilities multiple times a week. From the Zooms, she began to realize how vital art and music appreciation (download a sample presentation here) would be for seniors. These activities not only provided a source of entertainment but also helped activate some cognitive functioning skills.